Is There A Way To Download The Orignal Picture Someome Has In Their Profile On Discord

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With a little browser workaround, you can download a Discord user's profile picture to your computer. Using the downloaded app won't work; you must access the website online so you can use Inspect Element. This method walks you through the process in Chrome, but it's similar on other browsers, too.


  1. 1

    Log in to Discord on on your computer. Chrome works best for this but you can use other browsers, too.

  2. 2

    Access the user's profile. You can do this in two ways. Either right-click their profile picture and select Profile or click their profile picture and then click it again when the Roles menu comes up.


  3. 3

    Open Inspect Element. Use the shortcut Cmd+ Shift+C or Ctrl+ Shift+C , or to access it manually, click the three vertical dots in the top right corner and select More Tools . A drop-down menu will appear.

    • On a Mac, you can also click View in the top left and select Developer Tools . Another drop-down menu will appear.
  4. 4

    Switch to the tool with a cursor inside of a square. When you hover over it, it will say "Select an element in the page to inspect it". When the box and cursor turn blue, it's ready to use.

  5. 5

    Place the cursor on the profile picture and click. When you do this, Inspect Element will switch to that element and highlight an image address.

  6. 6

    Copy the image address. Right-click the highlighted selection and click Copy . Select Copy Element from the drop-down menu.

    • On a Mac, you can also click Edit in the top left and select Copy . Choose Copy from the options given.
  7. 7

    Paste the image link into Google Chrome and cut all text before https. Highlight everything before https (the text surrounding it will be url("https:) and right-click. Choose Cut from the options given or press the Del key.

    • You can also highlight it and choose Edit > Cut on a Mac.
  8. 8

    Press enter and check if the image is correct. If you've done the process correctly, it will show up with a small version of the profile picture with black borders. If not, it will search the link in Google with normal results.

  9. 9

    Save the image to your PC or Mac. Right-click the profile picture that shows up and select Save Image As... . You can then name the file, where you want it to be located, and press Save . The image should be on your PC or Mac now!


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  • Question

    Doesn't the Discord app come with Inspect Element (or at least the element viewer) using Ctrl+Shift+I? This means that finding a user's Discord profile picture should be possible (albeit difficult)?

    Community Answer

    It's the same as for Windows.

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